Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Enjoying Your First Round of the Season

It has been a long winter for most Canadians as both the weather and COVID have kept us all off the golf courses around the world. The golf industry experienced another setback this past week after the provincial government ordered all courses to close due to the COVID numbers in Ontario.

Golf is a safe, outdoor recreational activity that provides us all the opportunity to get out of the house and get some much needed exercise. It also helps us all mentally maintain a positive frame of mind and brings us all back to a sense of normality.

We can only hope that our government reverses their decision and allows golf courses to reopen soon.

To ensure that your first round is a memorable one, I suggest that you change a few things before you play your first round.

First realize that you have not played for the better part of six months. So be willing to accept that your game might be a little rusty.

I suggest that you visit your local practice range at least a couple of times before you play. Hit all your clubs, practice your short game and keep your driver in the bag until the end of your practice session.

Expect to hit some good shots, but chances are that you will also hit several bad ones. A smile and a good sense of humour will make your first round more enjoyable.

Focus on keeping your ball in play and on making good solid contact with all your clubs. Long drives and distance concerns will come later once you have played more golf and have had a chance to work on your game at the practice range.

Don’t be too concerned about your score. Instead focus on being outside, enjoy your family and the opportunity to be out with your friends. Also make sure that everyone follows the strict protocols outlined by all our local courses. We all want to have a complete and healthy season like we did last year!

Finally, consider playing a game inside of a game. Rather than a regular stroke game, mix things up a little. Play a scramble format or even match play with two couples competing with each other.

After all golf is a game that is meant to be fun and enjoyed with everyone you play with!

Next Week: Managing Your Mistakes

Cameron Burechails, Teaching Professional

The Georgian Bay Golf Academy @ Batteaux Creek Golf Club



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