Sunday, March 9, 2025

Defending Canada’s Recent ‘Freedom Movement’


It’s easy to sling insults. If by “malcontents” Mr Robertson means people whose businesses have been permanently shuttered by lock-downs, workers terminated because of a mandated pharmaceutical injection, or those who are still prohibited from travelling by rail or air in Canada by discriminatory policies, then yes – we are not content!

The eventual easing of some restrictions without any admission of the real harm governments have caused does not satisfy the goal of global freedom rallies. We are given no assurance that these draconian lock-downs will not return this fall based on false ‘case counts’.

Relying solely on legacy media sources, one might imagine that the freedom movement is made up of “yahoos” and “fools”. Consider getting the other side of the story with unconflicted sources such as Candace Malcom’s True North News (TNN refuses Trudeau funding).

CBC viewers, I’ll wager, are unaware that the Freedom Convoy scientists had extended an open invitation to Teresa Tam to meet with them in Ottawa and challenge her WHO talking points with peer-reviewed studies from world leaders in the fields of epidemiology, immunology and virology. For the entire duration of the Ottawa convoy the invitations were ignored then blocked! How then, can we claim to be a society that values scientific debate and inclusion?

The tide is turning though. Mr Robertson and others who have scrawled incendiary responses to those of us standing up for transparency should note that the cross country gatherings are just one arm of the resistance to authoritarianism: The truckers did their part, the lawyers are quietly filing their suits, the doctors are braving the loss of medical licenses for exposing the politicized science and perhaps most excitingly, Canada has one living ‘founding father’ of our constitution and Charter of Rights, Mr Brian Peckford, who is currently suing The Government of Canada for infringing our fundamental freedoms. We have questions and no government at any level has answers. Does Mr. Robertson believe that governments should be held accountable to their electorates – or is that malcontent behaviour?

I pray readers of the Independent will take time to consider the historical significance of the issues at-hand, rather than being dismissive of those for whom the past two years have been deeply disturbing. I beg all of you to look past the occasional inconvenience of a freedom convoy, (which by the way are conducted with police permission and anyone can check the OPP website to find out dates) and see a worldwide movement to curb government intrusion into our health and privacy.


Christine Ploeg for

Meaford and Thornbury Unified for Action

Grey-Bruce Against the Mandates

Grey-Bruce Freedom Fighters

Collingwood and Wasaga Beach Unified for Action

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