Sunday, March 9, 2025

Continued Frustration With Accessibility at New School

Dear Editor:

I had hoped that by now I would have had something positive to say about our new school but alas, I don’t. Back near the end of June I wrote to you about the two exits at the front of the school that are not wheelchair accessible. Of course they still are not accessible.

Before I wrote to the editor and took it to social media I tried to speak reasonably with the school board. I heard from Rob Cummings, Superintendent of Business Services and Treasurer. To paraphrase what Mr. Cummings said, when it comes to accessibility good enough works. He was sorry that good enough did not meet MY expectations.

Given the response we got on social media good enough meets no one’s expectations except the school board. Since Mr. Cummings and the school board were prepared to do nothing I contacted Bill Walker, MPP Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, with the hope that perhaps he could do something. It has now been over a month and I have heard nothing from Mr. Walker. I did hear from Chris Fell at Bill Walker’s office, to tell me Mr. Walker was working on it and would be in touch. That was over two weeks ago. I appreciate it is summer but since school begins in September this is the only chance we have to correct good enough.

Then I contacted Lori Wilder, Director of Education, Bluewater District School Board. I thought, since Lori used to work at GBSS, a school where accessibility was an issue, that maybe she would have valuable input. I did get a reply, in which she said she would phone me that week. That was a month ago and I still have received no call. It would appear to me that the school board and possibly Bill Walker’s office have closed ranks. They know they have made a serious mistake but are not prepared to admit it or fix it.

It would seem, if you are disabled, you have to settle for good enough. In 1968, when GBSS was built, good enough was fine because we didn’t know any better. In 2021 we do know better and good enough will NEVER be good enough.

If readers of this letter are as concerned about this as I am please write to all the school trustees. Their e-mail addresses can be found on the Bluewater District School Board website. Also write to Bill Walker, MPP. Let them all know good enough doesn’t work.

Geoff Solomon, Meaford


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