Monday, March 10, 2025

Concern About Vaccination Roll-out

Dear Editor,

I hope you will publish this comment, since although it applies to a much wider group it is a very local story. Meaford has an above average population of retirees, so they will be interested, and I am in my eighties.

Last week I had a phone ‘appointment’ with my GP doctor, in the course of which I decided to ask when I could expect to get a COVID-19 vaccination. The reply was, “ I don’t even know when I will get one.” Now we all know that the medical profession are quite rightly the first on the list to get protection.

It seems that Canada is at the bottom of the list to receive COVID-19 vaccinations, thanks to the federal government’s 2017 ‘Pharmacare for All’ act which means that we will buy the lowest cost drugs from the pharmaceutical companies that develop them, so we are naturally at the tail end of the deliveries. In the meantime we read the headlines about the millions vaccinated in other countries.

This is a truly dreadful situation – more jobs lost and more people dying while we wait.

I tell my grandchildren – voting is a serious business. It is not just to make you feel good. It can have very serious consequences.


Anthony Sharp, Meaford

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