Stephen Vance, Editor
Summer officially arrived last weekend, and in a few days our calendars will flip to July 1, Canada Day, a day when we Canadians gather in large numbers for a day of celebrating this fine country and our good fortune to call it home – but not this year, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic.When the coronavirus first...
Stephen Vance, Editor
While I'm certainly no fan of 'Hallmark holidays', I confess that with the recent months of lock-down, social distancing, and stay at home orders, I am very much looking forward to seeing my sons this Father's Day weekend.The COVID-19 pandemic and its associated mitigation measures have caused many to be unable to see friends and family in...
Stephen Vance, Editor
During Monday's virtual meeting of Council, a motion was brought forward by Councillor Harley Greenfield seeking a report from staff focused on the implications of installing security cameras along the Bayfield Street waterfront in hopes of solving an ongoing issue of reported bad behaviour by some members of the fishing community. I understand the need to solve...
Stephen Vance, Editor
Monday's special meeting of Council to discuss the long-awaited municipal report focused on the proposed pumped storage facility at Meaford's Tank Range will hopefully help to dissolve the myth frequently touted on social media that our council is in support of this proposal. Council discussion during the three-hour virtual meeting made clear that Council's views largely align...
Stephen Vance, Editor
While it might feel as if we are nearing the end of drastic measures implemented as the global COVID-19 pandemic reached our borders, and indeed we are starting to slowly re-open our economy, I fear that the real pain from this ordeal is yet to come.The virus had a major impact on medical services, particularly in large...
Stephen Vance, Editor
For those most ardently opposed to the proposed pumped storage facility on the Meaford Tank Range, the recently (and finally) released report to Council which will help form the municipality's official comments on the proposal will no doubt have not gone far enough, though the report makes clear that, from the perspective of the municipality, the only...
Stephen Vance, Editor
We in Ontario have been on lock-down for more than two months now, and while we are beginning to see hope of a return to some sense of normal, we also continue to see new announcements of event cancellations. The virus aside, 2020 might very well be remembered for all the things we didn't get to do.This...
Stephen Vance, Editor
This weekend brings us Mother's Day, and it just might be the strangest Mother's Day we've ever seen. With stay at home and social distancing orders still in place, many will find themselves checking in with Mom via a phone or computer app, while others might pay a visit to Mom's house to say hello through the...
Stephen Vance, Editor
As the country-wide quarantine drags on, thanks to a virus we had never heard of until mere weeks ago, we are all frustrated and we all want this to be over.All of our lives have been impacted in some way, and for some the impact has been much greater than others. The past two months have been...
Stephen Vance, Editor
As I tuned in to cover council's virtual meeting on Monday afternoon I found myself thankful for some of the technology that exists today, which allows municipal councils to continue to carry out the business of the municipality in the midst of an unprecedented lockdown of public gatherings. But there are limitations, and they are important to...