Saturday, March 15, 2025


Library Blues in the Blue Mountains

Letter to the Editor To the Editor of the Meaford Independent, It's been heartening for us in The Town of the Blue Mountains to read your paper's well-reported coverage of the recent crisis in the Meaford library board and its swift resolution. In addition to showing you believe in the importance of libraries, your reports demonstrate two things that we...

Reader’s Thoughts on Quebec City Mosque Shooting

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I am thinking about the attack on the Mosque and realize that it is not about hating Muslims; it is just about hate. Muslims are just the ‘flavour of the month’. When my husband came from Scotland he was hated because he was an immigrant and spoke funny. The Jews know all about hate from ancient...

Reader Looking For Support For Naming Merged School After Tom Thomson

Letter to the Editor Editor, At the end of this year, Sydenham Community School will be merged with Bayview Public School and relocated to the former OSCVI building.  My husband and I are supporting an effort to have our new school in Owen Sound named after Tom Thomson.  We feel it’s a great name given Tom's local heritage and also a great...

Local 4H Club Impresses Reader

Letter to the Editor The Editor, Recently I had the pleasure of attending a meeting of the Rocklyn 4 H Club. It was a cold, snowy January night, where my first inclination would be to snuggle up next to the fireplace, with a cup of hot chocolate and a good book. However, I persevered and went to see what our local youth...

Reader Recalls Movement to Save Meaford’s Hospital in the 90s

Letter to the Editor To the Editor, Recent articles have rekindled my memories of what took place in Meaford in 1996 when the now defunct (thank goodness) Grey Bruce District Health Council (DHC) tried without success to close the Meaford Hospital. The Meaford residents rallied with gusto to assist the Hospital Board to refute the findings and rational of the DHC....

Reader Offers Thoughts on Library Board Issue

Letter to the Editor Editor, If Council wishes to recover even a SMALL shred of credibility with regard to our municipal Library, it will not appoint three members from Sydenham under any circumstances. Foxes tend to do quite a bit of harm in hen houses... and there was only one Trojan Horse in mythology, not three. A rapid conversion to common sense...

Reader Has Big Hopes For President Trump

Letter to the Editor Editor, Interesting that a couple of your wish list items are somewhat connected by the LEFT’s absolute belief that CO2 is a pollutant. Our Provincial liberals have dedicated a decade to de-industrializing Ontario by scaring the citizens about AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming). Their twisted ideology has pushed us into an unsustainable 'sustainable' energy policy. Liberal math says that...

Your Support Has Changed Lives!

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor and the community, Over the last year, your generous support of the Meaford Refugee Welcome Group has changed the lives of a new family in the Meaford community. This would not have been possible without you. Thank you! The Meaford Refugee Welcome Group was formed just over a year ago when a group of people was...

Resident of Eastern Meaford Wants Solution to OSNGUPL-MPL Contract Impasse

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, At the September 22 Owen Sound and North Grey Union public Library (OSNGUPL) board meeting, a contract offer was presented to the MOM (Municipality of Meaford) library board. This offer of FULL library membership to ALL of MOMs residents, which include 4,022 MOM cardholders, for a period of two years at an annual average cost...

Library Services for All

Letter to the Editor Dear Sir, I'm sure I speak for most of my Sydenham neighbours in wanting only good things for our fellow citizens in the Town of Meaford, including having access to high quality library services like we have been enjoying since 1994 as founding members of the Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public Library. However, you will not...