Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Concerned About Condition of Georgian Trail

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I had a letter going to you on the condition of the Georgian Trail but in my recent ride on August 13 there was a change on the trail. I will explain as I go along, so here goes.

I rode my scooter to Lora Bay in July, hoping I would not run out of power. From Christie Beach to Lora Bay and to Thornbury is maintained by the Town of Blue Mountains. The difference in maintenance of the trail is like night and day. Blue Mountains side is in excellent condition.

On Meaford’s side from Christie Beach to Meaford is overgrown with tall grass, weeds, and tree branches that slap you in the face. The four bridges need to be worked on so they are level with the trail. There are two places where spring run-off has caused ruts in the trail along with lots of potholes.

To my surprise around the first week of August Meaford had trimmed the sides of the trail from Christie Beach to Swarthmore Dr. ONLY. They did not trim the branches back or fill the potholes. There has been no work done on the trail from Swarthmore to Boucher St as of August 21st.

Why does it take till the first week of August to do some work on the trail? The work on the whole trail should have been completed in June.

This trail is a great tourist attraction and should be kept in better shape than what it is now! Congrats to the home owners who keep the trail looking great from St. Vincent St. to Boucher St.

Fred Tippin, Meaford

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