Saturday, January 11, 2025


Pumped Storage Construction Jobs Unlikely to go to Locals

Letter to the Editor Editor, Some people think that one of the benefits of TCE would be employment for our local people. I would like to ask what kind of employment? We had a bridge refurbished on Sykes St. last year. I wonder how many local people were hired to work on that project? How many locals are working on the Trowbridge...

Memorial Park – Make Your Voice Count

Letter to the Editor To the Editor, The Draft Master Plan for Memorial Park was presented to Meaford Council on July 13th and is available on the municipal website at (see pg. 65 for proposed site plan). Public comments are due by August 31st. In the coming weeks the Advocates for Memorial Park (AMP) will be taking a closer look at...

Finding Silver Linings During COVID

Letter to the Editor Editor, While walking quietly and golfing on your own, Your stealth allows you to sneak up on critters. In the big pond on the Millennium course at MGCC, near holes 5, 6, 7, I came upon this group of four otters. I watched for five minutes as they repetitively dove and came up with something to chew on.I know...

Reader Thankful For Exposure to Range of Opinions

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I just want to thank you for the excellent Letters to the Editor this week, and the opportunity to hear both sides of problems in Meaford. The one point I find incontrovertible is that most of us just do not have enough knowledge to make such important decisions. However, we can find out both sides of...

To Glamp or Not To Glamp? That is the Question

Letter to the Editor Editor, I fully understand the desires on both sides of this issue. Do we invite people who will spend money in our area, or do we seek to protect our countryside, our agriculture, and our environment? However, one risk that I have not seen mentioned lies in the fact that these campers will likely bring their pets with...

Where Will Workers For Pumped Storage Facility Construction Come From?

Letter to the Editor Editor, This is one of the main selling points of TCE’s pump storage project being proposed for the DND property north of Meaford. Eight hundred workers from all construction trades are being solicited. You would almost get the impression that there are men and women sitting around idly just waiting for the call to start work next...

Support For Six Stories

Letter to the Editor Editor, I read today with great interest the naysayers against the six storey proposed LTC building on Cook Street, but they would be willing to support four stories. As you know I used to be in real estate here in Meaford for many years and during that time worked with many developers, on what could have been wonderful...

Reader Suggests That Approving 6 Stories Could Invite More Proposals

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, In reading some of the articles and comments from readers regarding the proposed LTC/'campus of care', I have found it impossible to not address at least one of the several issues. For example, I am not going to get into the fact that we have seen no proof that all of these units are actually...

Support For Proposed Pumped Storage Facility

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I am in favour of the proposed power station on the Meaford Tank Range. A social benefit of growing up in a small town is that you get to know and appreciate a wider spectrum of society: labourers, professionals, merchants, farmers, all in the same school playground or pool hall. We used to have diverse...

Reader: Don’t Be Too Quick to Support Pumped Storage

Letter to the Editor Editor, In the July 10th Meaford Independent, Mr. Dave MacDougall attempted to legitimize support for the pumped storage project. With much respect to Mr. MacDougall and to others who seem willing to see this project proceed, I will offer the following comments so as to appeal to your reconsideration of advocacy for spending $3.3 billion for a...