Saturday, January 11, 2025


Concern For State of Long-Term Care Centres

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, How could so many seniors' homes have such devastating outbreaks of COVID-19? In my view, provincial and federal governments allowed the crisis to grow in long-term care homes and entrench so deeply that the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a national tragedy for many vulnerable seniors and residents, their families, and their caregivers. We don’t have...

Another Downtown Business Owner Frustrated by Patios

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, I would like to thank Marty Tengelis for his letter to The Meaford Independent about his frustration of the patios in front of his business. I run A.J's Hairworks, and am next door neighbours to both Harbour Microtrends and the Leeky Canoe. I am in the same boat as Marty. I have lost business due to...

TC Energy Responds to July 30 Editorial

Letter to the Editor Dear Mr. Vance, During the Virtual Open House on July 22, and in your editorial published on July 30, The End of DND's Commenting Period Could be Just the Beginning, you asked how homeowners “could ever feel safe living below the location of the proposed reservoir.” We recognize that this is an important topic to the citizens of...

Reader Wants Councillors to Make Their Positions on Pumped Storage Proposal More Widely Known

Letter to the Editor Editor, For voters to know where our municipal leaders stand is essential, and not only at election time. When an issue of huge importance, not only to those who live in the immediate area but everyone in Ontario arises, municipal stance is critical. To date, only Councillor Ross Kentner has made his position clearly known regarding TCE's...

Reader: Where is the Upside of Pumped Storage Proposal?

Letter to the Editor Editor, I note in Taylor Raffy’s letter there is something about saving a few dollars on the electric bill. Here is a little wake-up call. First, and I want the reader to remember this fact, that TC Energy in its presentations does not talk “COST” as they claim. They talk SELLING PRICE… the price the producer decides...

Thoughts on Proposed Six Storey Structure

Letter to the Editor Mr. Editor, I feel I need to comment on some of the points raised in the letter written by Lesley Lewis and Jean-loup Dalle (July 16, 2020), particularly regarding the peopleCare Campus of Care. First, let me say that I am in favour of an LTC facility, and I support Senior and Assistant Living in Meaford. I understand...

Neighbouring Resident Shares Thoughts on Proposed Pumped Storage Facility

Letter to the Editor Editor, I live directly below TC Energy’s proposed pumped storage project reservoir. I’ve gone to the TC Energy information meetings, where I’ve spent a total of six hours one-on-one with TC Energy Representatives; I’ve had a five hour meeting with a TC Energy community liaison; I partook in TC Energy’s virtual Zoom information session; I’ve corresponded with independent...

Thoughts on Proposed LTC Project

Letter to the Editor Dead Editor, I feel your wording could have been more clear in your recent editorial. I think you would find that very few OPPOSE the overall PeopleCare Cook Street project. Most neighbours to the project have NO opposition to the Phase 1 - the actual much-needed LTC home. If you look at the project plan offered at present you...

A Visitor’s Thoughts on the Future of Meaford

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, For the past five years I’ve spent a great deal of time visiting family in Meaford and listened in on many conversations regarding Meaford’s future. As someone who has lived in a few small to medium Ontario towns and visited many small communities throughout Canada, the U.S., and Europe, I’ve seen some good and not...

BWDSB Director on Upcoming School Year

Letter to the Editor Dear Parents/Guardians: Minister of Education Stephen Lecce announced that some school boards in Ontario will begin the 2020 – 2021 school year using a conventional full return model for both elementary and secondary. Bluewater District School Board is one of those boards. This means that on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, Bluewater District School Board elementary and secondary students...