Thursday, March 6, 2025


Beautiful Joe Heritage Society Reflects Upon 20th Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks

Editor, As the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks approaches, the Beautiful Joe Heritage Society thought that now was an appropriate time to reach out to the community to remind them of one of our special monuments in Beautiful Joe Park at 162 Edwin Street. During our Sunny Sunday Tours of the Park in July and August, we have spoken...

Paralympic Frustration

Dear Editor, I need to point out the amazing disrespect the IOC has shown. The participants of the Paralympic movements have overcome so much more than most of us will ever experience, yet these wealthy power-mad controllers would only allow us to see them during the night. We were allowed to see healthy, able-bodied athletes but the ‘differently abled’ ones were...

Concern About Vehicular Noise Pollution

Editor, People walking along the Meaford harbourside over the Labour Day weekend were greeted by an impressive volume of vehicular noise pollution. The tonal quality of the noise resembles a group of three-year-olds banging on their tin pots. An impromptu survey of the vehicle traffic indicates that the noise is produced by a small percentage (less than 10%) of predominantly low...

Thank You Meaford Green Thumbs

Editor, The Meaford Hospital Volunteer Gardeners would like to thank all the happy gardeners who made the plant sale on Saturday a terrific success. Over 500-plus plants were hauled to the Hospital, all repotted from the gardens of the volunteers who have turned Meaford Hospital’s grounds into a healing space. The plant sale pays for it. And a special thank you to...

Election Thoughts

To the Editor, I was at a local store, while waiting for the person in front of me to pay her bill. I watched how this senior opened her purse and counted the change she needed to pay. She needed 85 cents, she proceeded to count out eight dimes and a nickel. Talking to the cashier, she mentioned that people her...

Reader: Climate Change Trumps Everything

Editor, My husband and I are a statistic. We left the city for a rural life, and we chose Meaford. Then COVID hit the world, and fear forced us to take a hard look at what matters most. The climate crisis trumps everything. Friends and family come and go. Work paradigms have shifted. We shop differently. Social justice and gender equality...

Concern About Protecting Meaford’s Heritage District

Editor, I was embarrassed when I took a visiting friend to Boucher Street to see the beautiful heritage homes, one I contemplated purchasing myself. We were greeted with an eyesore of a new back-split building in what is supposed to be a heritage street. What happened to protecting the heritage of our community? After digging a bit I see that in...

Thoughts on Climate Change

Mr. Editor, Thank you for your thoughtful opinion pieces in recent editions of The Meaford Independent: Why Small Towns and Suburbs Need to Build Up, Not Out (July 22), Can We Ever be Respectful to One Another Again? (July 29), and This Week’s Rants (The 3Rs, Rants, Raves & Rumours, August 12 print edition). While they cover different topics, it...

The 3 Major Election Issues Are Linked

Editor, As much as we might like to believe the Americans when they say, “All men are created equal”, it just ain’t true or, if it is, they don’t stay equal for very long. There’s really just one issue in this Canadian election (or in any modern neoliberal democracy), and that’s inequality. From health to housing to an overheated planet,...

More Thoughts on Province’s Telesat Investment

Editor, I recently came across a letter wondering about the recent government investment in Telesat and could not agree more. I was baffled at the amount of money pledged in competition to Elon Musk. Putting that aside, what really struck me from the other reader’s letter was with regards to Bruce Street and their efforts to bring real high speed to...