Saturday, March 8, 2025


Reader Disagrees With Integrity Commissioner’s Training Recommendation

Editor, I completely disagree with the findings of the Integrity Commissioner with regard to 'training' for councillors, and disagree that Tony Bell had breached any conduct issues. The concept of 'stress' is rather too all-encompassing, but one massive area of stress on the job is frequently wondering whether one will continue to have a job and be paid all 52 weeks...

Seeking Leadership on Climate Change

Editor, I would like to switch the conversation from one miserable topic (COVID) to another - global warming. I have grown weary with the bleating from climate activists who endlessly berate politicians and their governments for not doing enough. However, they simultaneously are completely empty of any positive suggestions as to how it should be handled. I am not a climate...

Reader Growing Tired of Anti-Vaxxers

Dear Editor, I’m afraid I can’t sit idly by any longer and listen to the scolding, lecturing and hectoring from these self-righteous anti-vaxxers. They are some of the most selfish, naive and misinformed people who I have met. In speaking to an anti-vaxxer two weeks ago, I asked her if she had previously received vaccines for polio, TB, smallpox, and...

Sending Kids to Summer Camp

Dear Editor, What is courage and bravery and what do they have to do with faith? My wife and I recently took our granddaughter on an airplane tour for her ninth birthday and during this trip we discovered some interesting things about the current state of the mental health of our youth. Our granddaughter, like many of her peers, has...

Reader Responds For Demands For Vaccine Exemption

Dear Editor, An italicized response to the points raised a letter published September 16. I was angered when I heard someone say that the unvaccinated spread the virus. COVID-19 can be carried and spread by anyone, vaccinated or non-vaccinated. Anyone can come down with COVID – vaccinated or not. This is true, but fully vaccinated people are less likely to suffer serious...

Reaction to Demand For Vaccine Exemptions

Editor, The last time I wrote to you, my opening comment was that “I don’t often respond to letters to the editor”, yet here I am again. I am writing in response to the reader who wants a vaccine exemption certificate (Sept 15). The writer gives the impression that she is being somehow discriminated against by the new vaccine passport policy...

Reader Challenges Privilege of Letter Author

Dear Editor, This is in response to Patricia Kortland: I will admit that when I saw the title of your letter I knew I was going to have some feelings when I read it. That being said, I went in with an open mind as I enjoy reading the opinions of people I disagree with. I was pleasantly surprised to see a...

Are Fears of Proposed Pumped Storage Facility Overblown?

Dear Editor and members of Council: I have stayed on the sidelines content to let the experts and would be experts duke it out in the Meaford Independent which is a great way for the issue to be brought forward. I have been confident that the required environmental studies will separate the wheat from the chaff and that a well...

Reader Wants Exempt Certificates For Those Who Choose to Not Vaccinate

Dear Editor, It is time for a member of the 'Silence of the Lambs' to speak. Like a leper of 2,000 years ago must I carry a bell and shout, “Unclean, unvaccinated”? I was angered when I heard someone say that the unvaccinated spread the virus. COVID-19 can be carried and spread by anyone, vaccinated or non-vaccinated. Anyone can come down...

Meaford Memories

Editor, I visited Meaford this past weekend for the first time in 30 years. The last time I was there, I lived there for four months, and started my professional career at the then Meaford Express as a reporter/photographer. While I had heard of the Express/Metroland buyout, I was delighted to see The Meaford Independent rise from the Express's ashes in...