Sunday, March 9, 2025


Thoughts on What to Look For in a Council Candidate

Editor, Congratulations on a well-written and timely article in last week's TMI (What Should We Look For in a Council Candidate?, March 10, 2022). As your article so rightly points out, “….We will only get out of democracy what we put in….” so our evaluation of candidates over the next few months will ultimately determine the next four years for our...

Flag Flying Yahoos

To the Editor, Got accidentally caught in the middle of a 'protest convoy' leaving Owen Sound eastbound around noon Saturday. The fools were stop and start, and then going between 10 and 25 kmh. A bunch of flag-flying yahoos in small trucks, SUVs, cars. Don’t know what their “problem” still is, since most restrictions are over, but I’m pretty sure the median IQ...

Thoughts on ‘Freedom Fighters’

Editor, When I took a solemn oath to become a Canadian citizen it was one of the proudest and most emotional days in my life. I became a proud flag waving Canadian! In February, the Canadian flag was hijacked by misguided individuals and their toxic leaders during an unlawful occupation of our Capital. Now my country’s flag is branded as supporting individuals...

Is Cursive Instruction Only For The Rich?

Dear Editor, I have come to realize that there is a point we need to remember during the next election. I checked into the cursive writing debate and found out the poor kids are getting betrayed. The school I could never afford not only teaches cursive writing, but STARTS with it. It develops brain cells no other system does. It also...

Response to Flag Letter

Editor, You (the author of March 3 letter, How Dare You Disgrace My Flag?) have an opinion, which I respect. To say to those who want to protest, to leave their Canadian flags folded in a closet, and to fly one of those three flags YOU suggested is not what I want in Canada. To suggest that someone who maybe has...

How Dare You Disgrace My Flag

Editor, After passing by a few poor misguided people and a Freedom Truck in Meaford today I thought I would pass along a thought or two. Thanks to David MacDougall’s (and others) who have voiced their concerns. I have an issue with these 'Freedom Fighters' using Canadian Flags on their vehicles and in their hands at their protests. All they do is...

Loss of Cursive Writing Skills Just the Tip of the Iceberg

To the Editor, I am writing to you as a follow-up to letters which you published in January from Roberta Docherty and Fran Austin. Sadly, the loss of cursive writing is only the tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately, the loss is much greater in scope because it impacts usage of the Canadian/English/American languages. Social media, Facebook, etc. all contribute to the...

Where do My Freedoms End and the Freedoms of Others Begin?

Mr. Editor, In response to the freedom convoy protests, I would like to summarize the excellent opinion piece in the Globe and Mail on February 22 by Beverley McLachlin, a former justice of the Supreme Court of Canada. (All in italics below is a paraphrase of her piece.) Justice McLachlin reminds us that freedom is an empty word unless you ask...

Reader Thankful For Polar Dip Support

Dear Editor, I write my 88 sponsors, family, friends re the Save Georgian: Save the Bay Polar Dip, Fred Raper Park, Meaford the following: "I Freda Ariella Muscovitch, thank you all for connecting and supporting me on Save Georgian Bay’s: Save the Bay Polar Dip, International Polar Day. I am on the SGB Leadership Team/Board and had to show a...

Grey Bruce’s Top Doc Offers Thoughts on MPP Walker

Editor, In his statement announcing he will not be seeking another term, MPP Bill Walker noted his sincere appreciation for having had the opportunity to serve as Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound’s representative during the once-in-a-lifetime COVID-19 pandemic. As the Medical Officer of Health for Grey-Bruce, I feel compelled to publicly express my sincere appreciation for the leadership, support and assistance provided by MPP...