Friday, January 24, 2025


Municipalities Should Stay Out of the Vehicle Charging Business

Dear Editor, During last year's election campaign, a taxpayer asked the candidates who would be in favour of the municipality installing electric vehicle chargers. Most hands went up. I foolishly assumed this was simple political pandering, since the idea makes no sense. I was wrong. Now, with encouragement from Grey County, that bastion of spending, most local municipalities, Meaford included, are...

Reader Proposes Solution For Replacement of Bridges 21&22

Editor, Regarding Meaford’s 7-Year, 2-Bridge Dilemma – possibly a better, cheaper way, actually two new simple proposals, which should be carefully considered before a final decision is made. It was a lovely, sunny day and I thought I would try and make some sense of the ongoing 7-year saga of the closure of bridges 20 and 21 on the Chatsworth/Meaford Town Line,...

Reader Thrilled With Air Show Performance

Editor, Meaford pickleball members and the community of Meaford were treated to a special performance of aerial acrobatics by fellow pickleball member and flying ace Gord Price yesterday (Sunday, August 6). As well as being a Meaford Pickleball player, Gord is also in the over 80 club. The performance took place over the Meaford Harbour around 1 p.m. to a large...

Reader Thankful For Air Show Pilot

Editor, A huge thank you to the Dam Pub’s Gord Price for his final Meaford air shows on Saturday and Sunday, August 5th and 6th! Both shows were equally thrilling, heartstopping and poignant! Thank you for ALL the wonderful memories, Gord! Sincerely, Carole Edgar, Meaford

Appreciation For Community Media

Dear Editor, I was delighted with the article on fixing the problem with the cross walk on Sykes St. Once again you have shown the importance of maintaining a free and functioning local media, whether it be press, TV, or radio. Thank you for being there for us. Roberta Docherty, Meaford

Concern About Tiger Lilies

Editor, At the corner of Gray Avenue and St. Vincent Street grows a gorgeous bed of Tiger Lilies, which until recently was in full bloom. However, our municipality seems to take great exception to these Lilies because last year at this time they sprayed them with an herbicide and soon the Lilies were just a bed of rotting yellow leaves. To...

Visitor Not Pleased With Paid Parking System at Memorial Park

Dear editor, I have been coming to Meaford for many many years to visit my parents (longtime residents). I consider myself a tech savvy person so when I went to Memorial Park on Sunday, July 23rd at 2 pm I tried to use the QR bar code to pay for parking (for years it was free!!) it didn’t work so...

A Humorous Take on a Local Traffic Issue

Dear Editor, I am writing because I have solved the mystery. You know those gloriously short passing lanes on Hwy 26? Well, I have determined that they're haunted by none other than the ghost of Dale Earnhardt Jr. Whenever a driver enters those lanes, Dale's ghost possesses them, turning their ordinary vehicle into a NASCAR-grade speed machine. Suddenly, they're zooming past other...

Concern For Medical System

Dear Editor, I have occasion to be at the Meaford Hospital and it got me to thinking. We consider ourselves lucky to have the hospital, but it is not luck. We fought for that hospital. When the political toadstools wanted to close it, we had strong, competent, courageous leaders fight back. Through their determination and effort, the hospital was saved; maybe...

Visitor to Meaford Appreciates Local Hospital

Editor, During a recent visit to the lovely town of Meaford where we were visiting friends, my partner developed a fever. Without going into a lot of medical details, we decided that a visit to the local hospital was the wisest course of action. After what could be described as a reasonable wait time, she was seen by a nurse and...