Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Canada Cultural Spaces Fund Grant Awarded to Grey Roots Museum & Archives

Grey Roots Museum & Archives has been awarded $140,772 in funding from Canadian Heritage through the Canada Cultural Spaces Fund (CCSF). The CCSF supports physical improvements, including renovation and construction projects, to arts, culture, and heritage institutions across Canada. This funding received by Grey Roots will go towards the renovation of the permanent exhibit in the main Grey County Gallery.

The new exhibit will allow staff to tell more stories about the people, communities, and history of Grey County,” says manager Jill Paterson. “The flexible design will be more representative and responsive to the changing needs and interests of our communities.”

The first section of the Grey County Gallery renewal was completed in March 2020 with the installation of Voices of Grey. Support from the CCSF will fund fabrication and installation of exhibit cabinetry for the second section of the gallery entitled Abundance, in 2022. These funds will also support exhibition design for the remaining three exhibit sections of the gallery entitled Connection, Permanence, and Hope, which will be installed in 2024.

Grey Roots Museum & Archives is an important cultural centre providing interactive programs, events and exhibits that tell the story of Grey County. We are pleased to continue supporting infrastructure improvements at Grey Roots and look forward to seeing more stories and more collections on display in their renewed permanent exhibition gallery,” said The Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage

The Grey County Gallery remains open to visitors while installation of Abundance is underway.

This project has been made possible in part by the Government of Canada.

Grey Roots Museum & Archives shares the unique stories of Grey County through programming, special events, and original and traveling exhibitions greyroots.com


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