Friday, January 24, 2025

Beaver Valley Pipe and Drums Band to Host St. Andrew’s Day Ceilidh

The Beaver Valley Pipe and Drums Band will host the first ever St. Andrew’s Day Ceilidh in the Thornbury and Clarksburg area on Saturday, November 26 at the Marsh Street Centre, 1:30-3:30 p.m., featuring the pipes and drums band, a highland dancer, Scottish and Celtic folk singers and musicians, a sing-along, and refreshments including a Scottish favourite, shortbread.

St Andrews’ Day is traditionally celebrated with a feast, but the band has chosen to celebrate by offering a Saturday afternoon matinee with music and refreshment for everyone whether of Scottish descent or not. 

The Beaver Valley Pipes and Drums Band dates back to the early 1960s. It has its origins in Ravenna, according to the band’s drum sergeant, Garth Wilson.

During the years, it has kept Scottish traditions alive through its music. Members ranging in age from 13 to 85 years perform for the love of the music,” Wilson explained. “At the moment there are four student band members, one learning to drum and three learning the pipes. We practise weekly at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Thornbury on Thursday evenings, 7-9 p.m. The band is self-supporting. The proceeds from the Ceilidh will go toward new uniforms for members. Tickets are available during our Thursday evening practices or by emailing or phoning 705-6060-1493. Adults, $15, Children, 12 and under, $10.”


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