Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Arena Ice Removed at the Meaford & St. Vincent Community Centre

The recent measures issued as part of the Province’s second State of Emergency declaration and Province-wide Shutdown has resulted in the decision for the ice plant at the Meaford and St. Vincent Community Centre to be shut down for the remaining 2020-2021 season.

The Province has anticipated current restrictions to be in place until February 11, 2021 which includes the closure of indoor sports and recreation facilities.

The decision to remove the ice was confirmed at the Municipalities Emergency Control Group, consisting of both Council and staff representatives, during a regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday January 20th.

“A decision to stop our arena ice operations part way through the season is not taken lightly, it was made with careful consideration,” said CAO Rob Armstrong. “As a Municipality, we need to be fiscally and environmentally responsible, and when current COVID-19 restrictions prevent the ability to provide a service such as our arena for community use, it is the right decision to stop incurring expenditures in the interest of savings in tax dollars and energy consumption.”

The ice was put into the arena in late October, 2020 at the direction of Council and during that time, it had over 60 hours of weekly bookings that included the Georgian Shore Minor Hockey, Meaford Figure Skating Club, Meaford Knights, and a number of adult leagues. Staff will continue to monitor the Province’s COVID-19 restrictions in planning for the 2021-2022 arena season.


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