Friday, October 18, 2024

Reader Shares Thoughts on Proposed Pumped Storage Facility

Letter to the Editor

To whom it may concern,

As a resident in Meaford I’m very concerned about the Pumped Storage facility proposed to be on the Meaford Tank Range.

I’m very much concerned about the local ecology and the effect on wildlife – also people living in the vicinity of the Range.

There is a lot of variety of wildlife living on the Range property – deer, wolves, fox, etc. as well many varieties of birds – including the eagle, vultures, wild turkeys, partridge, owls, many varieties of birds – all will be affected by the hum that comes off of Hydro wires. We have already lost many varieties of birds and butterflies and insects because of the use of insecticides on crops.

Remember the many windmills that have developed in our country – one man’s cows quit giving milk and the farmer was getting nosebleeds, a lot of people were effected by the whir of the fans when they turned. Some farmers were unable to sell their farms because of the Wind Mills.

The Sound that comes from hydro lines effect people. Birds and animals have very, very sensitive hearing. They may ALL LOSE THEIR habitat.

Also the fish in Georgian Bay are going to be effected. Fishing has been a long time Sport on Georgian Bay. There have been some that have made their living off the fish. The fish may become contaminated by the change of water from the Plant going into Georgian Bay. Already fishing has been depleted.

Please take out your BIBLE & read Genesis. God made the Heaven & the Earth & told mankind to look after it. You know why we are suffering a drastic change in our environment? Because Mankind has done a very poor job of looking after the earth.

We’ve had tons of garbage dumped in our “WATER WAYS”. It has effected our echo system the ICE BURGS are mostly all gone, the coral is dying, birds & varieties of plants have disappeared.

When “something foreign” enters into our system, that isn’t meant to be there – something is bound to be effected.

Is money all that matters in this life – Or would rather have a safe & pleasant environment to live in.

God made the landscape the way it was intended to be & our waterways. Do you want to be a part of destroying God’s Plan??!!

Whenever anyone fools around with Mother NATURE – there is always side effects.

Do you not think that the removal of trees & excavation that is required 500 acres affected & 375 acres being excavated and damned – will not make a huge difference to the Animals & birds & their Habitats.

The more we lose of the species God put upon this earth (for a reason) will not have devastating effects on wild life & that in turn effects our environment. Already we have lost many species of Birds, insects, animals.

Please if you have concerns, please let your concerns be known.

Very concerned citizen,

Isabel Petch, Meaford

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