Saturday, December 21, 2024

Indigenous Crosswalk Coming to Downtown Meaford

The Municipality of Meaford Council and staff have committed to an ever-increasing pathway to inclusion, and residents should keep their eyes peeled for a new indigenous crosswalk at Nelson and Sykes Street between TD Bank and Meaford Hall Arts and Cultural Centre.

The crosswalk will include white feathers with an orange background identified in the Indigenous culture representing the Indigenous people from our community. The crosswalk will be a lasting symbol of how our municipality supports a diverse and inclusive community.

The Municipality of Meaford Council approved the installation of the crosswalk in the 2022 Operating Budget. A ribbon cutting ceremony celebrating the crosswalk is in the works for September 30th in honour of the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation.

The installation has to happen in dry weather and is planned for the early morning or late evening when there is less traffic. The paint material that is used is a durable aggregate specially made for road surfaces so that it can handle the traffic volumes, winter plows and not be slippery for pedestrians. The crosswalk painting is being done as part of the municipality’s annual road line painting work across the municipality that occurs every year in late summer to early fall.

You can stay current with local roadwork locations and closures by visiting municipal511.  The work is planned to take place the week of August 22 to 26 weather permitting.


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