Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Meaford Students to Take a Hike on Earth Day


Meaford Students to Take a Hike on Earth Day

This Wednesday, April 22, between 500 and 600 students from Meaford Community School, St. Vincent-Euphrasia Elementary School, and Georgian Bay Secondary School will be celebrating Earth Day by participating in the 8th annual Bruce Calvert Earth Day Hike for Conservation.

This event is a co-operative venture between the three schools and the Grey Sauble Conservation Foundation. The hike has raised approximately $27,000 since it began in 2008. Participating schools get to keep half of what they raise, and the other half goes to the Grey Sauble Conservation Foundation.

Beginning around noon, the staff and students will make their way from their respective schools to the Georgian Trail. Thanks to the support of the Georgian Trail Board of Directors and Knights’ Home Building Centre, the hike will take place on the trail between the harbour gazebo and Swarthmore Drive. Volunteer crossing guards and OPP officers will be at road intersections to ensure everyone’s safety. There are also two food stations set up along the route which will provide apples donated by Barbetta Orchards Ltd.

If you would like to make a contribution to this event, please contact any one of the three schools or Mark Calvert at 519 538-0628.

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