Friday, October 18, 2024

Stop Harper’s Mission to Remake Canada

Letter to the Editor


Kudos to Dave MacDougall for his brilliant letter ripping apart Harper and his government. (Letters to the Editor-Feb. 27). There was a time when I had at least a modicum of respect for conservatism, but this current pack of neo-liberal, anti-democratic werewolves puts real conservatism to shame.

I have just read Michael Harris’ book, Party of One. It  provides a host of examples of the astonishing arrogance and destructive behaviour of the Harper government and of Harper himself. It is well worth the read. I hope it makes you angry.

Harper and his conservative lapdogs do not represent the views of most Canadians. Unfortunately due to our deeply flawed electoral system and the sad fact that too many Canadians do not bother to vote, Harper is able to get elected and carry on  with his  tyranny.

Let’s  to put a stop to this most dreadful prime minister and his singular mission to “remake Canada” It’s not what most Canadians want.

Mike Belec, Meaford

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