Friday, March 14, 2025

Reader: South Georgian Bay Is Under Siege

Letter to the Editor


My wife and I are moving to Meaford this winter. We have been made aware of this “Pump storage” idea and to put it mildly we are very concerned!

Environmentalists should be appalled that ANY such proposal that affects our pristine waters of Georgian Bay, or anywhere on our Great Lakes System should be viewed with EXTREME caution. The logic of TC Energy’s proposal escapes me. I read in this week’s paper a reference to Caryn Coleman’s letter to Alex Ruff MP. Who is this person? Is she educated in engineering, is she just another ignorant but well-meaning person or maybe a “plant”? I have a degree from Guelph University in Geology so I am also reviewing these letters to the editor from a position with some knowledge.

I do know that pumping water up a hill, then storing it (like John Mikkelson proposes) just seems absurd. Where is the benefit when using a technology that loses 30% plus efficiency before any power is produced? Common sense is needed here: TC Energy is trying to benefit by proposing an “environmentally friendly” idea that simply makes no sense. We have a corporation attempting to lock down our ability to choose our electricity provider. It is a money grab, and we need to make TC energy accountable. Their proposal has no long-term benefits for this region: It is with a project that MAKES NO SENSE!

Do you want high power hydro lines in your back yard? TC will need to build those all the way to Barrie! TC’s idea to run them below Nottawasaga Bay is another bad plan! Georgian Bay is an environmental GEM that needs to be protected not exploited! The turbidity will be a MONSTROUS problem! This past week in November when I drove down the 7th sideroad this past week (after high winds and severe weather had prevailed for a few days) I looked down on the waters of Georgian Bay and witnessed the currents and mild turbitity that was created by natural weather systems. I believe pumping water up and then releasing back down at forces equivalent to Niagara Falls cannot help but have a severe effect…this cannot be avoided. What price are we willing to pay? TC Energy certainly knows about the money involved.

I like to fish. Catch and Release whenever possible btw! When I hire a professional to go fish for the various cold-water fish available, where does my professional take me? Of Course he takes us to “Fishtopia”: his exact words! Where is Fishtopia? RIGHT WHERE TC Energy is screwing with our waters! I can speak from my heart and I say loud and clear: Back off TC Energy!

The Meaford Township Council and the people of Meaford need to let our MP Alex Ruff and anyone else that have common sense at their disposal to think about what is going on here.

Stupid is as stupid gets.” “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely!” “Show me the Money!” I assume you have heard these quotations!

Our residents need to remember these words and wake up to what is going on here: power and money not the environment. Mr. Mikkelson you have an engineering degree: I remind you that likely corruption is involved when doing incomplete research and/or hiding some of the facts: I believe TC Energy is not telling the entire story.

Pat Maloney, Meaford

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