Sunday, January 12, 2025

Reader Opposed to Proposed Pumped Storage Facility

Letter to the Editor


I cannot believe that anyone would be in favour of this insane project! I was born and raised 82 years ago in the Georgian Bay area. This pristine body of water has been the focal point of so many things in our lives.

My father and many of his family worked for the Collingwood Shipyards for over 39 years. We watched the boats launched many times. The grain elevators gave work to many people including all the ships that came into the harbour.

Our family were involved with boats and motor sales, for sports and fishing.

We spent many hours at Wasaga Beach in the summer and water skied out of the harbour in Collingwood.

We have enjoyed many visits to Meaford and area—right up to the top of Georgian Bay. Our children come home from Alberta and spend their vacation swimming in this bay.

All of the above activities have only been done because of the beautiful and clean water in Georgian Bay.

But one of the most important things has been the use of all this clean water to provide drinking water for thousands of people around the Bay.

This is not just Meaford! Look at a map and figure out how many towns depend on this water all up and down the bay. Now many towns not on the bay are getting water piped to them through the water plant in Collingwood.

To even think of allowing this deluded company to come in and start digging on shore and off for pipelines, is mind boggling! Removing billions of water every day and then returning it every day causes me to wonder if anyone considers that it will not be the same water removed and returned — eventually all the water in the bay will be involved.

Never mind the destruction of land, wildlife, fish that will be destroyed.

We have a beautiful area that is a magnet for people from all over the world. Tourism is a big deal but not if the water is polluted.

This story needs to be told to everyone and soon. There will be no benefits to anyone if this project is allowed to go ahead.

Please stop it now.


Fay Gieg, Collingwood

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