Sunday, January 12, 2025

Save Georgian Bay Member Responds to Editor’s Rant

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I am a proud member of Save Georgian Bay. I am the Lead for the Public Outreach Team. My role is to connect with and inform the community of TC Energy’s proposal to build a 1000 megawatt Hydroelectric Pumped Storage Plant at the Military base. I became aware of this proposal in Sept 2019. At that time I came to learn that very few people in the Municipality even knew of this. After weeks of research and speaking with team professionals from SGB I too took a stance to oppose this proposal.

As I sipped my morning coffee on Sunday I read Stephen Vance’s weekly ‘Rant’ (The 3Rs…Rants, Raves & Rumours, September 24, 2020 print paper) which spoke about how people are vandalizing the Save Georgian Bay lawn signs. I have found a few of them around town and there have been many stolen as well. I find this disheartening. I have personally had my car keyed for hanging our signs in the windows. People are working hard on our awareness campaign and have given money out of their own pockets for the cause. Please be respectful of them. We all have a voice and a choice.

I have also heard comments about fear of ‘blow back’ and aggressive behaviour. This too I find disheartening. That’s not the vision we want for Save Georgian Bay. We encourage all our members/volunteers to be factual and respectful when engaging the community and I can personally attest that the majority are. While we may differ in opinion on this matter it’s important to remember that we are a community together. We love Meaford and we are all passionate about its future. Don’t let TC Energy and their proposal tear us apart.

Joanne Devaney
Resident “IMPACT ZONE”, Meaford

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