Friday, February 7, 2025

Community Foundation Grey Bruce Hosts Two Vital Conversations With Young Adults on the Future Of Work and the Impacts Of The Pandemic


Community Foundation Grey Bruce Hosts Two Vital Conversations With Young Adults on the Future Of Work and the Impacts Of The PandemicSupported by RBC Future Launch, Community Foundation Grey Bruce will be hosting two online interactive Vital Conversations with young adults on October 20 and 22.

These Vital Conversations will check in with people between the ages of 18 and 30 on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, their readiness for a changing work environment, their economic and holistic well-being.

The online sessions will be held from 7 – 8:30 p.m. on October 20 and 22 and will be facilitated by Melri and Mike Wright of Ledge Leadership. The first meeting on Tuesday, October 20 will take a World Café style, sharing knowledge and creating possibilities for action built on the notion of group intelligence. Participants will hear from inspiring local guest speakers and will be part of small group discussions. The second meeting, on Thursday October 22, presented in collaboration with Georgian College Centre for Changemaking and Social Innovation, will utilize an online design thinking platform that encourages visual collaborative thinking. Participants can join one meeting or sign up for both. Input from participants will be reflected in future Vital Signs work being prepared by the Foundation.

These conversations are generously sponsored by RBC Future Launch and are mounted with the support of key community partners: Georgian College’s Centre for Changemaking and Social Innovation, through their strategic initiative SENCO (Social Enterprise Network of Central Ontario); The Institute of Southern Georgian Bay; and the Nuclear Innovation Institute.

To register for Vital Conversations visit

Created in 1994, Community Foundation Grey Bruce has a mandate to enhance community vitality by fostering open discussion about local need, sharing knowledge, and growing endowments to provide strategic granting and support to a wide range of non-profit organizations.

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