Saturday, February 1, 2025

Resident Shares Letter to Minister Regarding Proposed Pumped Storage Facility

Letter to the Editor


Please consider this letter that I sent to the Ministry of Resources and Forestry in the next edition of the Meaford Independent, ‘Letters to the Editor’.

Dear Hon. John Yakabuski,

It is a year since we accidentally found out about the above project that was initiated in 2016. The ‘Save Georgian Bay’ team, the Georgian Bay Association, and the Nottawasaga Steelheaders have presented outstanding reports illustrating the environmental impact of this proposed project which will have a negative outcome on Georgian Bay. The purpose of this letter is to clarify the false publication of the TCE website which illustrates a forest under the proposed reservoir and dam when in fact there is a community that was established in the 1940s.

Facts about Dams:

According to the Canadian Dam Association a 375-acre reservoir/dam of this magnitude has never been built over an existing community with 148 permanent residences, farms, and cottages. There are several creeks diverting water from the top of the DND lands (location of the proposed reservoir and dam). These creeks intersect several properties in this community. The closest home to the reservoir is .67 km below this proposal.

A project of this magnitude has never been built on an active Military Base.

Our insurance providers have confirmed that they would deny any claims for property damages or loss of life and according to CDA, TCE Energy will be 100% liable if there should be any failures during construction and after completion.

According to CDA, “dams do fail” and there have been 27 hydroelectric pump storage facilities that have had some type of failure. The most recent was in Spencer Dam, March 14, 2019, in Nebraska, Oroville Dam, California 2017 (damaged spillway), and Testalian Creek in British Columbia. All of these facilities were supporting hydroelectric power stations. We know that TCE has never built a project like this, why should we be the host guinea pigs for a corporation that has a poor track record when it comes to safety (Polaris Institute).

Which level of government will protect the residents of this community (Black Point, Sunnyside Beach, Kiawana Beach). When we asked our local councillors about the ‘malfunction plan’ if such a project were built, we received no response.

We understand that TCE Energy has been lobbying your Ministry to build this dam above our community that they believe does not exist. According to your guidelines for permit applications there is a clause that states that the neighbouring community would be consulted. Please consider those (us) who will be someday living below this monstrosity and the safety of our properties, farms, permanent homes, cottages, and all of the men, women, children and grandchildren who live and vacation in this community. Defend us, you are our voice, say ‘NO’ to this project.

Louise Buccella, Meaford, Neighbour and Resident of the ‘Impact Zone’

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