Friday, March 7, 2025

GBHS Welcomes Nine New Physicians to the Area


GBHS Welcomes Nine New Physicians to the AreaGrey Bruce Health Services hosted a virtual celebration last week to recognize nine new physicians who have moved to the Grey Bruce area in the past year.

The new group of physicians includes specialists in Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pathology, Medical Imaging, Adult Psychiatry, Respirology & Critical Care and Family Practice. These physicians will be working throughout the Grey Bruce region.

We are pleased to welcome these medical professionals to our team and our region,” said Gary Sims, GBHS President and CEO. “Their training and expertise will help strengthen and support GBHS’s wide range of specialized services, and ensure patients continue to have access to quality healthcare, close to home.”

At the annual event, GBHS also welcomed two new and three returning Family Medicine Residents from McMaster University. The Family Medicine residents complete two years of training with the Owen Sound Family Health Team, with specialty rotations completed across the GBHS family of hospitals.

The corporation’s medical education program supports an average of 20 medical students and residents per month from Universities across Ontario. The program is an excellent way to offer medical students an opportunity to explore the Grey Bruce area, and many return after graduation to practice on a permanent basis or provide short-term coverage at our local hospitals.

Efforts continue to recruit specialists in the following areas: Rural Emergency Medicine, Hospitalist Medicine, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Anesthesiology, Oncology and Surgical Assistants.  Family physician recruitment efforts also continue throughout our GBHS communities.

Close to 250 physicians are credentialed to provide services throughout the six GBHS hospitals.

Photo: Left to Right: Family Medicine Residents, Dr. Tyee Fellows & Dr. Michelle Cornfield

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