Thursday, March 6, 2025

GBHS Welcomes Family Back Into Hospitals


GBHS Welcomes Family Back Into HospitalsGrey Bruce Health Services has updated its Family Presence policy and is now permitting inpatients to have one person visit in hospital. Visitors had been restricted at all GBHS hospitals except in special circumstances since mid March due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Family members and friends are an important part of the health and well-being of patients, and we are pleased to welcome them safely and slowly back into our hospitals to support our patients,” said Gary Sims, GBHS President and CEO.

Until further notice, inpatients are permitted to have one person to support them while in hospital. That individual must be identified by the patient upon admission. Visiting times in GBHS Owen Sound, Meaford, Wiarton, Lion’s Head and Southampton Hospitals are daily from 3-5 pm, and in GBHS Mardkale Hospital, from 11-4 pm daily. Visitors must call the Nursing Station prior to planning a visit as schedules may change.

Thanks to funding from the five hospital foundations, 16 iPads were purchased shortly after the hospital restricted all visitors in March so that staff could help inpatients stay connected to their families. At that time, free wi-fi was also introduced in all GBHS hospitals.

A number of precautions are in place to ensure that the re-introduction of Family Presence is done safely. Everyone coming into hospital must wear a mask or face covering, and practice physical distancing. Outpatients coming into hospital for pre-booked appointments are asked to come on their own to reduce traffic within the hospitals.

Further information on safety precautions and Family Presence can be found here:

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