Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Sharpening Your Short Game

Cameron Burechails

Sharpening Your Short GameTo shoot lower scores this season, simply work on improving your short game.

When you miss the green with your approach shots, it is important to try to get your ball ‘up and down’, in two shots.

Chip shots are shots that approach the green from a low trajectory. The key is to land the ball just off the green so that you give the ball enough room to roll. Set up with a narrow stance and keep most of your weight on your forward foot. Position your ball back slightly in your stance and use a putting stroke. Listen for the ball to land on the ground before you look.

Pitch shots spend more time in the air than chip shots. They usually require a standard wedge, sand wedge, or lob wedge. The key is to make sure that you hit down on the ball, so position the ball back in your stance again with more weight on your forward foot. Swing your arms together with your body as you pivot around your target leg. Again keep your head down until you hear your ball land on the green.

Bunker shots are fairly easy if you have the right club and technique. The key to hitting great bunker shots lies in your ability to ‘splash’ the face of your sand wedge beneath the ball so that the ball ‘pops’ out of the bunker. To ensure that your ball ends up on the green it is critical that you finish your swing and follow through the shot.

The key to a fabulous short game finally comes down to putting. The two keys to better putting lie in your ability to select the proper line and roll the ball at the correct speed.

Work on your short game this season and both your scores and confidence will improve.

I will be conducting group clinics this spring at Batteaux Creek in Collingwood. Come on out and work on sharpening your short game!

Next Week: Learning to be Patient in Golf

Cameron Burechails (Teaching Professional), The Georgian Bay Golf Academy, baygolfacademy@bell.net, or www.baygolfacademy.com.

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