Saturday, January 11, 2025

Coyotes Reach Meaford on Virtual Trans-Canada Trek


Coyotes Reach Meaford on Virtual Trans-Canada TrekWith five weeks now under their belt, the Georgian Bay Coyotes continue their virtual Trans-Canada Trek.  

As a team, the Coyotes have logged over 3,300km since departing St. John’s Newfoundland.  They achieved their goal of arriving in Meaford this weekend, the third leg on their journey.

Our fourth leg is a long one,” noted teach coach Kevin Hooper. “We venture up to Tobermory, run across Lake Huron to Manitoulin Island, and weave our way to Thunder Bay.  A grand total of 1,241km.  With our weekly average being around 500-600km, we should check into Terry Fox’s final pit-stop 40 years ago around the middle of June.”

For more information on the Coyotes, check out their website at

Photo: Olivia Latham of Owen Sound is one of many Coyotes virtually running across Canada

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