Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Library Fundraising Committee Celebrates Milestones


Library Fundraising Committee Celebrates Milestones

The new Meaford Public Library Fundraising Committee recently celebrated some terrific achievements in 2019.

The first is that the group has now raised over $572,000 for the new Meaford Public Library building. This figure puts the group well on its way to achieving their commitment of $750,000.

Secondly, the Fundraising Committee made an extra goal for the month of December 2019. They made an end-of-the-year commitment to raising an extra $50,000 in the course of the month – as a little extra to help get them to their final goal. Thanks to the generosity of so many people, the Committee was able to raise over $47,000 in the month – just $3,000 shy of their target.

The extra funds came from individual donations as sales from the Meaford Now and Then 2020 calendar – another project of the Fundraising Committee with generous photographic donations from a local resident. Calendars are still available at the Meaford Public Library and Stuff to Read – the price of the calendars is now $10/each.

And finally, the Committee is pleased to recognize TMI publications for its recent donation of $2,890 to the new library building. To celebrate the event, a group of library champions and fundraising committee members gathered for a photo at the library to acknowledge the generous contribution to the campaign from this local business.

The Fundraising Committee continues to welcome donations of any size for the new library building. Donations over $20 are eligible for a tax receipt from the Friends of the Meaford Library – make cheques payable to the Friends of the Meaford Library. You can make a donation in person at the Meaford Public Library or online at

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