Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Reader Would Like to See More Speed Monitors

Letter to the Editor

The Editor:

Looking back at the end of 2019, I would like to comment on one particular positive development in our town.

The installation of a vehicle speed monitor in the Community Safety Zone on St. Vincent Street. There has been one in Kimberley for a couple of years now, and I believe that they provide a valuable visual presence to a common street safety problem.

In my years as a police officer it has been my experience that the majority of speed infractions within city/town limits are unintentional, and a reminder of this type has a definite calming effect on traffic flow, without police enforcement. Of course, this does not work with the minority of scofflaws that feel that they are above the law.

With the continuing absence of PRO-Active policing in the Town of Meaford, the installation of several more of these speed monitors in areas of high traffic flow might be a good investment.

A couple of locations come to mind: one is where Hwy 26 turns into Sykes Street on the west side of town, another on Nelson Street past the Meaford Hospital. I am sure that other Meafordites can suggest many more deserving locations, but these two would be a good start.

What would even be more effective is the use of solar/battery powered devices that work in inclement weather and during the hours of darkness.

Any suggestions???


Karl Braeker, Meaford

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