Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Damage to Fairgrounds Property

Letter to the Editor


Regarding your rant in the November 21 print issue of The Independent, not only are dim bulbs in the community causing damage to public parks but also private land owned by the Meaford and St Vincent Agricultural Society.

Sometime between Wednesday, November 20 evening and noon on Thursday, November 21, the same dim bulbs or their equally idiot pals chose to drive past our small office and between the steel building and the horse ring fence, nearly missing our downspouts on the building and a small sign asking they not drive on the grass.

As seen in the accompanying pictures the damage is significant and the ruts are probably a foot deep. This will be expensive and time-consuming to repair next spring and make grass cutting difficult.

A small group of volunteers work tirelessly to keep the fairgrounds maintained and free of garbage. This is often difficult due to wet weather during the early spring and summer.

It is very discouraging when ‘idiots’ trespass and cause more work, or when people walk their dogs and fail to scoop, or scoop and throw their bags under the bleachers or travel around the steel buildings or in the cattle barn.

The fairgrounds are private property but for some reason people feel they can use and abuse the property. Many people trespass, especially those who use the laneway from Parker St. into the grounds leaving huge ruts and damage to the actual grounds because they must drive over the grass to get to Collingwood St.

At this point we are actively trying to come up with a solution to keep those not authorized to use the property from obtaining access. It is too bad a few uncaring people make it so no one can enjoy the property.

Vera Cramp White, Meaford

Damage to Fairgrounds Property

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