Monday, December 30, 2024

The Seven Deadly Sins in Golf

Cameron Burechalis

The Seven Deadly Sins in GolfPlaying great golf involves building a fundamentally sound, correct, and repetitive swing. Unfortunately, many golfers make the same mistakes round after round, and never realize that they are repeating incorrect swing moves.

If you want to improve your game this season, then it important to know if you are making one of the seven deadly sins in golf.

They include the following:

  1. Over-swinging

  2. Keeping Your Eye on the Ball

  3. Overestimating Your Playing Ability

  4. Hitting Shots from the Incorrect Ball Position

  5. Gripping the Club too Tightly

  6. Not transferring your Weight Correctly

  7. Swinging only with your Upper Body

When you over-swing your tempo is off. The speed of your back-swing should match the speed of your downswing so that your club-face is square at impact and you are balanced after every shot.

Never think about watching the ball, because this will simply cause your body to raise up through impact, and result in a shot that is ‘topped’.

Always play ‘within yourself’, in other words don’t try to make shots that you are not capable of making.

It is important to understand that there are different ball positions for every type of shot. Irons generally should generally be stuck on the downswing, while woods should be hit with the club approaching the ball on the upswing. When you have the correct ball position, you can put the correct spin on the ball.

Your best swings will happen when you hold the club softly. A consistent, moderate grip pressure will result in great and effortless swings. When you can feel the head of the club, rather than the grip, good things will begin to happen.

Golf is all about creating maximum club speed through impact. When you fail to correctly transfer your weight throughout your golf swing, you minimize your club-head speed and sacrifice distance. Your weight must move in the same direction as your club swings, back away from the ball, to the ball and forward towards your target.

Your backswing should involve both a shoulder and hip turn. Your downswing requires both a hip turn and leg drive. Use both and your swing will feel effortless!

Next Week: Putting for Dough

Cameron Burechails (Teaching Professional), The Georgian Bay Golf Academy at Meaford Golf Club, 705-441-0865,, or

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