Saturday, March 15, 2025

Council Meets to Develop Their Strategic Priorities

Stephen Vance, Staff

council dec 17270Meaford’s newly elected council met at the fire hall on Monday, December 17, for a special working session aimed at developing their strategic priorities for the coming term of council.

Councillors arrived at the session each with a list of their own top ten goals which would be used to help develop strategic priorities.

This is really an important exercise because it creates a focus for both long term and shorter range activities,” noted Mayor Barb Clumpus in her opening remarks. “It builds consensus for the priorities and the expected outcomes, and the specific strategies we want to pursue over the next four years.”

While the strategic priorities document developed by the previous council included an unwieldy number of more than 80 strategic priorities, council’s goal this time around is to develop roughly two dozen priorities that can be monitored and measured.

After some general group discussion about the process, councillors were divided into smaller groups to begin the task of developing priorities.

In January the items generated from the working session will be prioritized with a goal of completion of the final document early in the new year.

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