Monday, May 20, 2024

2018 Mayoral Candidate Profile: Jim McPherson

Jim McPherson, Mayoral Candidate

jim mcpherson election 270Candidate Name: Jim McPherson

Position Sought: Mayor


Phone: 519-387-8966


Jim McPherson has a Masters Degree in Public Administration from Concordia University and a Bachelors of Journalism from Carleton University. He is a former councillor (2006-2010) known for his hard work and standing up for all citizens in the Municipality.

Jim has worked in both the private and the public sector, with experience in land development, fund-raising, health care and retail.

He and his wife Karen have two boys – Jeffrey and Edmund.

He currently enjoys working as a school bus driver with Martin’s Transit on route 766 in Meaford.

Why I am running for Meaford council:

I want to make sure that our taxes are spent wisely.

I would like to lead and facilitate our community to make better choices. The choices we make today will affect our tomorrow.

It is clear that we need to market our municipality as an area of settlement for families, entrepreneurs and seniors. We need to become dynamic and the place of choice to live, work and enjoy.

I want to create an environment where business thrives, volunteers are valued, and citizens are engaged.

See jimmcphersonformayor2018 on Instagram or facebook or check out for more info.

My Top Priorities if Elected to the New Council:

Roads and bridges – We must renew and replace our infrastructures and provide proper snow removal.

Development – We need to develop rental accommodation, entry level housing for new families and accommodation for those who are downsizing. We must remove bureaucratic road blocks to development.

Agriculture and adaptation to new trade agreements – Trade agreements are currently in question. We need to be ready to support our local producers.

Tourism – Beach improvements throughout the Municipality, harbour revitalization and dredging. Rejuvenating our trails for four seasons – hiking, running, bicycling, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling etc. Better marketing of our Municipality as a destination.

Rescind the gag order (Municipal Bylaw 22-2016) and the veiled threat of reprisal if you voice your opinion. Council and Staff must work on openness and accountability.

Replace and/or renew present services – Lets be prepared for the fall of 2019 when we are told federal/provincial cost-sharing grants will become available.

Work towards making Meaford Hospital operate at its full potential. Thank you to the Hospital Foundation for providing needed resources and lets help Meaford Hospital grow to service a greater area.

Revisit the library project in the former Foodland site.

OPP policing – Make sure there is an office in the Municipality.

(See my website

My Involvement in the Community Over the Past Four Years:

Assistant coach of the Meaford (Georgian Bay) Coyotes Track Club.

Volunteer for kids baseball.

Take a Kid Fishing derby volunteer.

Volunteer on grant applications.

Coach for kids hockey.

Church volunteer.

Participates in Scarecrow parades.

Parent volunteer for skating program at Sydenham/East Ridge Community School.

Electric Eclectics volunteer.

Member and treasurer for parent teachers association/comite des parents, Ecole St. Domionique Savio.

Supported, donated and participated in the annual Meaford Hospital Harbour 5 km run and the Terry Fox Run

Supporter of local agriculture and CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture).

Boosterism – Attending and cheering the Knights hockey team.

The Role of Mayor as I See it:

My answer remains the same as last election:

The Mayor, as Chair of Council, must strive to make sure that key issues are fully debated and that the public view is heard. Although the members of Council may be there to represent particular interests, specific to certain groups or regions, the Mayor must be aware of the broader interests of the community as a whole and capable of assessing issues in an un-biased manner.

The Mayor of the Municipality of Meaford also has obligations beyond the municipality’s borders as he also sits on Grey County Council. In that context, the Mayor must be able to communicate and represent the needs and views of our municipality and to bring forth ideas not only to strengthen our own community within the province, but also to strengthen the other eight municipalities that form Grey County. These are not easy times for rural communities and we need to ensure that our voices are heard provincially and nationally.

The Skills I Will Bring to Council:

I have been on Council before and have shown the ability to listen and evaluate. I am unafraid of hard work and strong enough to make the difficult decisions. I enjoy people, all people, and I enjoy challenges.

I have worked in both the public and private sector and understand the value of both. I understand budgets.

I understand process and I understand that people want to know where their money is going and why.

I believe in open and transparent government.

I understand that both Council and Staff work for you. And as mayor I will ensure that this occurs.

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