Thursday, March 13, 2025

Reader Offers Thoughts on the Furor Over Modern Sex-Ed Curriculum

Letter to the Editor


Let me see if I understand it correctly. A group of parents are opposed to the new sex-ed curriculum because they believe it does not conform to their values.

They are offered a choice. They can have their children not participate in the program. Problem solved.

So why are these same parents not content with that? Perhaps it is because they are not just concerned with protecting their kids from what they believe is harmful. Rather it’s because they feel entitled to force their values on everybody else’s children and parents who do not share their concerns. The nay-sayers are in fact saying: “The sex-ed curriculum must conform to our values or no one can have it.”

In scrapping the program Doug Ford is engaged in and is shameful (but predictable) pandering. I feel sorry for the kids.

Mike Belec, Meaford

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