Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Great Places to Play Golf on Georgian Bay

Great Places to Play Golf on Georgian BayThere are many beautiful and challenging golf courses to play around Georgian Bay. Here are just a few of some my favourite local courses that are all open to the public.

Moving west to east I would start by playing either Cobble Beach or Legacy Ridge which are located on the outskirts of Owen Sound. Although each is a bit of a drive, both are worth it.

Cobble Beach is a picturesque links-style course, designed by Doug Carrick, with stunning views of Georgian Bay. The layout features undulating fairways and will challenge golfers of all skill levels.

Legacy Ridge is a beautiful course designed by Stanley Thompson. The layout is a true test for all golfers and requires precise shot-making through its many mature tree-lined fairways.

Meaford Golf Club is only a thirty minute drive from Collingwood. Although the course is not long in distance, the numerous ponds, and the many tight and rolling fairways will challenge golfers young and old.

Talisman Mountain Golf Course is great 9 hole course located just outside Kimberley, in the Beaver Valley. Green fees are very reasonable and tee times are always available.

Tomahawk is an executive course located on the outskirts of Thornbury. A perfect place for beginners and juniors to play.

Lora Bay is a championship course that features many changes in elevation and amazing views of the bay. Located just outside Thornbury, it is a must-play for both the competitive and social golfer.

Monterra Golf at Blue Mountain Resort is another fine course to play in Collingwood. It is a traditional links-style course built by Thomas McBroom. The best time to play is in the afternoon and early evening.

Just down the road from the resort is Blue Mountain Golf & Country Club. It is a challenging semi-private club that will challenge golfers of all skill levels. Green fees can be purchased Monday through Thursday.

Duntroon Highlands is located high atop the Niagara Escarpment and features stunning views of Georgian Bay. It is a great course to walk if you are looking for a great game of golf and a workout!

Remember play local and enjoy all these courses in your backyard!

Next Week: 2018 Canadian Open Preview

Cameron Burechails (Teaching Professional), The Georgian Bay Golf Academy at Meaford Golf Club (705)441-0865, or

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