Thursday, March 13, 2025

Celebrate 125 Years of Beautiful Joe

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

As you may know already, this is the 125th birthday of the book Beautiful Joe, written by (Margaret) Marshall Saunders. Time sure flies!

One thing is for sure and that is that the message from Joe to “Be Kind” is still needed today!Abuse of animals and people is still a concern to be aware of.

At Beautiful Joe Heritage Society, we keep that message alive, Be Kind!

In case you were not aware, there is a sequel to the book called Beautiful Joe’s Paradise: The Island of Brotherly Love.

On Sunday, July 15, from noon till 4 p.m., we will be officially celebrating Joe’s 125th birthday by having an Old Fashioned Family Fun Day in partnership with the Meaford Public Library! The event will be free with a donation for the boxed lunches going to Beautiful Joe Heritage Society.

The day will begin at noon with Rotary Club members serving the lunches, the Meaford Community Theatre performing a skit for everyone to enjoy, music will be performed by Linda and Will Henry all afternoon, our Library partner will provide a pop-up reading and craft with a therapy dog as well as ‘Be A Tree’! The highlight of the afternoon will be the exciting Police Canine Demo which will be followed by a Blessing of the Animals with Rev. Helen Hume. Throughout the day there will be a scavenger hunt, quiz, games to play, community booths are available with information about their organizations, cake to eat, and even doggie ice cream for your pet! Hope we will see you there!

As with many small organizations, Beautiful Joe Heritage Society needs your help!

We are looking for volunteers: a photographer, assistance with social media, event helpers, gardening, clean-ups, and two new board members including a secretary! If you are willing and able to help out in any of these areas, it would be greatly appreciated.

For more information please contact us at or leave a message at 519-538-5895. We would be so happy to hear from you!

Next time you are at Beautiful Joe Park, don’t forget to pat Joe’s head for 100 dog years of good luck!

Watch for our new Beautiful Joe colouring book coming out for Family Fun Day! In honour of the 125th anniversary, consider purchasing a copy of Beautiful Joe or Joe’s Paradise for yourself or as a gift.

Lynda Stephens, Chair

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