Wednesday, March 12, 2025

A Note of Thanks After Nearly Missing Bus to Concert

Letter to the Editor


I feel the absolute need to write this letter about absolute kindness and compassion of the likes I have never experienced.

This took place about a month ago. My son who lives in Toronto surprised me with tickets to see Rod Stewart in concert. I decided that I would take the bus to Toronto and stay overnight and see the show. I went into the Country Side Dining & Motel in Meaford and purchased my ticket a few days before. The day I was to leave my husband dropped me off at the restaurant in the morning to catch the bus. I arrived about 10 or 15 minutes early. One of the patrons in the restaurant said that bus driver always came in to check for passengers. I decided I would have time to use the restroom so off I went.

When I came out the man was saying the bus driver picked up the people outside and just left. Maureen Wesolowski (Dining Manager) heard me shout and I am certain she could see the colour in my face fade. The concert was that night and I had no other way of getting to Toronto. Maureen said to the man having breakfast to stay until she got back and quickly told me to get into her car and we would try and catch up to the bus. She grabbed her car keys, told me “get in” and away we went, chasing a Greyhound bus. As we are “hurrying” down Highway #26 towards Thornbury, she realized her gas tank was on empty, and it was then she realized she left her purse back in Meaford (driver’s licence was in car). It was at this point she said to me I will either get you to that bus or kill you (we had some great laughs). Finally we could see the back of the bus so we continued our chase. We finally saw the bus stopped just past the old Foodland grocery store in Thornbury.

At this time we jumped out, grabbed the driver and he waited for me to board. Maureen gave me a big hug and away I went. Great concert. I told my son the story and he said that would not happen in the city. (He bought her a Rod Stewart T-shirt).

I just thought how important it is to me to thank her on a big scale. This woman never met me before and went above and beyond to make sure I did not miss the concert. I have seen her several times since then and have no words to thank her. She is one of the sweetest ladies I have every met and it is a time I will never forget. She is my guardian angel and I simply love her for the kindness shown to me, a complete stranger. I have one little note to add, she makes the best breakfast in town. You must drop in and say hello.

Carolyn Thompson, Meaford

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