Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Concern About Attracting Visitors & New Residents

Letter to the Editor

Dear Sir,

Recently I attended a luncheon where the guests of honour were former long-time Meaford residents. They were visiting with the possible intention of returning to Meaford to live here permanently. However, they were shocked with the present state of urban Meaford, namely the derelict buildings, pot-holed roads, and empty stores. Needless to say, they will not be residing in Meaford in the future.

Another friend commented that the main street in the town of Meaford was ‘bookended’ by two abandoned buildings and yet another acquaintance complained about the impression that the town’s terrible roads had on tourists.

At the last election, there were an unusual number of candidates due in large part to the total dissatisfaction with the previous council. However, as you stated in a past editorial, that council under Mayor Richardson achieved the goal that it set itself, namely, a massive reduction in debt. Not pleasant but they did it.

The majority of our present councillors campaigned on a program of reduced taxes, reduction in staff, and improvement in road maintenance. There is no evidence whatsoever, despite all their good intentions, that they have achieved one single goal. Our mil rate is still the second highest amongst our neighbours; there is no sensible policy regarding hiring staff or contracting out, and with all due respect to our treasurer/roads department head, our roads are in a lamentable condition. Not only are our roads in lousy repair due no doubt in part to save money but even when management does attempt to repair our roads, it manages to screw things up, for example Grandview and Ashgrove Lane.

Being an elected official is not easy and there are very few thanks handed out, but the purpose of a municipal corporation is to supply the necessary services to ratepayers at a price we can afford. I suggest that if our present council remembered this and applied the KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid) principle to their decisions and focus on what services are really important to our municipality, they may be remembered in a more positive manner when their term in office finally ends.

David Long, Meaford

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