Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Keep Our Parks Clean

Letter to the Editor

The Editor,

The Town of Meaford is blessed with much natural beauty.

One spot of particular, but largely unknown beauty, is a piece of natural beach, known as Dog Beach, Coast Guard Beach, or I believe, officially as Governor General’s Beach. So baptized last summer with great pomp and circumstance in honour of the visit of Governor General David Johnston to Meaford.

I prefer the name of Dog Beach, because I take my little pooch there almost every day, and she loves it. Winter and summer and everything in between. Every day is different, high winds from different directions dictate the size of waves rolling in.

Fabulous cloud formations, sunsets, in winter ice build-up into some fantastic shapes and sizes. Great natural enjoyment year round.

Meeting like-minded people enjoying nature and walking their dogs.

Canada geese in abundance, sea gulls, swallows, cormorants, and many other feathered friends during the seasons. Beavers frolicking in the waters just off the beach.

People stopping in the often mud-holed parking lot to enjoy a moment of rest and/or eat their lunches.

A picture almost too good to be true.

Last summer the Meaford Works Department or whoever looks after this, built a beautiful volleyball court with a new sandpit, posts and nets. This was in almost constant use by young people all through the summer and fall. When winter came, the nets fell to the ground and stayed there until spring.

Waves are bringing in a constant supply of flotsam, trees, dead fish, wooden boards torn off piers somewhere on the Bay. But also much of human waste of every description. From plastic bottles and straws to any waste that will float.

Now that springtime is here, so is the moron community. They apparently feel it is their right to deposit their fast food wrappings and leftovers wherever they are, for others to pick up.

I believe that it is not possible to make them change their ways, and challenge other people, dog walkers, nature lovers and all decent people in addition to their doggie bags, to take another bag to pick up the litter left behind by the morons. And if they should witness garbage dumped from a vehicle, to take the license number and forward it to the Town office, so that a clean-up bill can be sent. My wife and I have been doing it as long as we have been walking our dog and appreciate the Town providing a waste deposit container during the summer months.

Another possible improvement would be for the Meaford Works Dept. to move a couple of the larger rocks into the openings to the beach to prevent the motorized morons from exercising their destructive antics on the volleyball court and beach.

We love and enjoy Meaford’s natural beauty. Please help us to keep it that way AND improve on it by keeping it naturally clean.


Karl and Vicki Braeker, Meaford

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