Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Meaford Students Try Their Hand at Scarecrow Building


students scarecrow building 2017270Students from the Georgian Bay Community School have been a welcome addition to the Scarecrow Invasion and Family Festival building workshops in May and June at the Meaford Rotary Harbour Pavilion, now that the push is on to create this year’s line-up of scarecrows in time for the September invasion.

Decorating Chairs Ruthann Noble and Candy Yeandle have spent months, indeed years, planning for this moment. They have been collecting and sorting the used clothing and props that they need to create a red and white extravaganza in celebration of Canada’s 150th. Now with only four months to go till the scarecrows once again invade Meaford, as they have for the past 20 years, the students’ youthful energy is a welcome addition, according to Noble.

The students’ enthusiasm is infectious,” she said. “ It’s wonderful to see Meaford young people take ownership of this great community event.”

This year’s theme is Scarecrows Proudly Celebrate Canada’s 150th. Some 250 scarecrows will hit the streets during the first week of September. “They will be hanging around, literally, and lingering in public places well into October,” said Yeandle. “We are hoping that, as people stroll among the scarecrows this year, they will be reminded of some of the great moments in Canadian history, some of the great personalities, institutions, and inventions over the past 150 years.”

Each year volunteers gather at the harbour pavilion in May and June to build scarecrows and again in August to dress them and give them the finishing touches before the first week in September when yet more volunteers and municipal crews decorate the downtown area, Station Hill, and the town entrances, in time for the influx of visitors and the big celebration on the Friday of the weekend before Thanksgiving weekend. This year’s big day is on September 29, with a parade on Sykes Street at 6 p.m. and the ever-popular family festival at the harbour pavilion at 6:30 p.m., with music, an apple pie auction, food, and free activities for the whole family.

We hope that some of these young people and volunteers of all ages will be back in August to help us dress the scarecrows. New volunteers are always welcome,” said Noble.

For August workshop dates, visit or contact Ruthann Noble at 226- 665-0666 or Candy Yeandle at 519-538-3381.

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