Sunday, March 16, 2025

Celebrating Mothers Day On or Off the Links

Celebrating Mothers Day On or Off the LinksSpring is a busy time of the year! Just like Christmas, the month of May is jammed packed with that big list of ‘to do’s’. Everyone wants to be outdoors and enjoying the warmer weather, be it jogging, bike riding, gardening, or just cleaning up around the house.

Even golfers are patiently waiting for Mother Nature to cooperate so that they too can get out for a quick round.

Before you know it, the month is half over and soon it will be Mother’s Day. If you are on your game this year, you should be all prepared and have that perfect gift for Mom on the 14th.

According to a national survey, 23% of moms just want a nice meal, 13% would just be happy with a day off. The three most common gifts for Mother’s Day include classics such as flowers, jewellery, and chocolates. If you want to give your mom the best gift, simply give her the gift of time! The one thing that most moms want is to spend more time with their kids.

So maybe take your mom out shopping. Buy her a new book, a new pair of shoes, some jewellery or a new outfit for spring. You might even take her out to the spa or even plan a movie date together.

I know from experience that the last place your mom wants to be on Mother’s Day is in the kitchen! So either take her out for dinner or prepare her favorite meal for her. If you do plan to go out, do make a reservation in advance as this is one of the busiest days of the year for most restaurants.

If your mom is a golfer, there are plenty of things you can do to celebrate her day. You can take her out and share a round of golf together. If she needs some new clothes or accessories, then take her shopping at one of your local sports stores or pro shops. It might even be a great time to help her select some new equipment.

Everyone wants to play better, so you might buy her a gift certificate for some lessons at your local club.

The fastest growing market segment in the game is amongst women golfers. Females of all ages are taking up the game because of all the benefits golf offers. Everyone wants to be fit and be outdoors during the warmer months and the game of golf offers both. It also gives the women an opportunity to meet new people and expand their network of friends, both socially and at work. If an egg is that perfect food, then golf is that perfect sport!

They say that every day should be Mother’s Day! So this year do something special for your mom. The best gifts are not expensive ones, they are the thoughtful ones!

Next Week: Live from The Player’s Championship

Cameron Burechails (Teaching Professional), The Georgian Bay Golf Academy at Meaford Golf Club (705)441-0865 or

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