Saturday, March 15, 2025

Great Expectations for Golf: Your Game

Great Expectations for Golf: Your GameWe all have high expectations for the upcoming golf season. The great thing about sports is that you always get to start over with a clean slate at the beginning of each season.

We all look forward with much anticipation to the first round of golf of the season. If you had the opportunity to play golf this spring, I hope that you stayed dry and enjoyed yourself. You probably hit a few good shots as well as some questionable ones.

If you wish to play better golf this year, I suggest that you set a few goals for yourself, before the beginning of the season. Your goals should be realistic and contain an action plan that will help you successfully achieve your goals. Some goals might include lowering your score, eliminating your slice, improving your short game, or developing a more consistent swing. A goal without an action plan is merely an idea which is usually destined for failure.

If you wish to shoot lower scores this season, then a number of steps need to be taken in order to realize your goal. First commit your goals to writing. List both your strengths and weaknesses and establish a plan that will help you shave off those extra strokes. If you tend to lose balls and strokes off the tee, then you might want to work on hitting your driver straighter. Remember accuracy is more important than distance. A fairway wood or an iron might be just the answer on those tight tee shots.

Many players score higher than they should simply because shots are wasted around the green. The ability to get ‘up and down’ around the green could mean the difference between a par and a dreaded double bogey. You may need to practise your chipping, pitching, or putting on a more regular basis to improve your technique and raise your confidence around the greens. It is a good idea to take some lessons during the season to make sure that you understand your weaknesses and know how to correct them. Players such as Phil Mickelson and Dustin Johnson have their own ‘swing coaches’ and constantly take lessons to help improve their swings and stay on top of their games. They keep track of their games and through statistical analysis are able to pinpoint areas in their games where strokes tend to be given away.

I personally keep a golf journal in my golf bag. In it I list everything from personal goals to swing tips that help me improve my game. I spend plenty of time at the practise range and I will often make notes on both the technical and mechanical aspects of my swing. If your memory is not the best, then writing information down about your swing will help you both on and off the golf course.

I have a couple of goals for the upcoming season. First, I would like to play more golf and compete in a few more tournaments. To achieve this goal, I will schedule weekly rounds in my appointment book to ensure that I play regularly. I have also signed up to play in some tournaments to ensure that my game is in top form.

I too would like to lower my scores. To achieve this I will keep stats on all my rounds that will help me lower my scores. I also will schedule two sessions per week, where I will work only on my short game.

This season, if you wish to reach your performance goals then commit yourself to changing your behaviour both on and off the golf course. Your enjoyment for the game will improve as will your scores!

Next Week: “Celebrating Mother’s Day”

Cameron Burechails (Teaching Professional), The Georgian Bay Golf Academy at Meaford Golf Club (705)441-0865 or

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