Saturday, March 15, 2025

Doing Some Spring Cleaning? Before Tossing Items in the Trash, See if They’re Needed For Meaford’s Annual RE-Use Fair

Stephen Vance, Staff

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If you’ll be doing some Spring Cleaning in the coming weeks, consider doing something fun and practical with unwanted items by being a part of Meaford’s Earth Week RE-Use Fair.

The RE-Use Fair is a practical and fun way to support the goal of zero waste in our community. This year’s event is being held on Saturday, April 29 from 10 am until 2 pm at the Meaford & St. Vincent Community Centre.

The re-use portion of the Fair is an organized exchange of goods that keep ‘too good to be through’ items circulating in community. Local charities, non-profits, artisans, schools, and faith-based groups request items via a Wish list. Citizens then bring the wished-for items to the MSV Community Centre on April 29, where they are packaged and picked up by the receiving groups.

The exchange of goods isn’t for monetary gain. It is to support reuse in our community,” explained volunteer organizer Lindy Iversen.

Last year nearly 1,800 pounds of goods exchanged hands during the RE-Use Fair – that’s 1,800 pounds of items that could have ended up in a landfill, but instead have new life and new uses thanks to the RE-Use Fair.

Below is this year’s Wish List. If you have any of these items collecting dust in a basement or attic, consider dropping them off at this year’s RE-Use Fair.

For more information you can visit:

Wishlist of Items Requested for the RE-Use & ECO-Fair

On the day of the fair, call before hauling bigger items like desks, chairs, patio table sets, or bricks to the community centre to verify that the item is still needed. 519-538-0167

Make special delivery arrangements in advance for the fallen branches and mulch (6 cubic yards) for public gardens. 519-538-0167

Bags, kangaroo-style for fruit picking

Barn board, all lengths

Baseball gloves


Basketball stand

Beads, natural material wood, stone, seeds, shells

Bistro table, folding, round top, 2ft diameter (2)

Blocks, Mega in bag

Board games, all kinds

Booster seats (not car seats)

Bowls, wooden, all sizes

Boxes, old wooden

Branches/driftwood, for art displays

Buckets, for maple bush

Building blocks, wooden

Bungee cords, long (12)

Canadian Tire money

Canning jars with lids

Cat and kitten canned food

Cloth, natural, fabric, deep earth tones sweaters, old, wool, holes OK


Cobweb catcher

Compost/mulch bags

Computer paper, sprocket-type

Construction paper, all colours

Craft paint for kids, all colours

Craft supplies for kids

Crochet hooks, all sizes

Decks of cards

Dog and cat treats

Dolly, hand cart

Dress mannequin form, neck to torso only

Electric hand mixer

Electronic sign stands

Embroidery thread

Extension cords, indoors, outdoors, 3-prong

Extension pole, prune and pick

Exterior lights, w. incandescent bulbs

Fabric, all sizes, all colours

Flags, provincial

Flannel fabric, all sizes

Folding card tables

Folding chairs, sturdy, outdoor

Glue sticks

Hose, for maple bush

iPod Nano

Kitty litter (a real need)

Knitting needles- all sizes

Lacrosse sticks

Ladder, metal extension

Ladders, old wooden step

Ladders, step, metal any size

Ladders, tripod for fruit picking, metal & wood

Lego, all sizes

Long-sleeved red shirts

Long-sleeved white shirts

Markers for kids, all colours

Masking tape

Mason jars

Material scraps for patching, red, white, or red & white

Necklace chains, broken

Note pads

Organizing bins, small


Paper plates, all sizes

Patio umbrella and stand, for outside



Pipe cleaners, all colours

Plaid shirts

Plant trays

Planter pots, all sizes, clay or plastic

Plastiboard, all sizes for signs

Plastic glasses (recyclable)

Plywood, thin, less than ½ inch, for signs

Pool noodles

Popsicle craft sticks

Puppy and Kitten Chow

Ribbon, curling, all colours

Rug hooking materials

Safety goggles

Scotch tape

Seeds, herb and vegetable

Shirts, long sleeves, red or white

Shirts, plaid

Sign stands, electronic

Sign stands, real estate

Ski helmets (used as astronaut helmets)

Soccer balls

Solar panel, camping-type + inverter

Specialty food, guinea pigs, turtles, rabbits

Spiggots, for maple bush

Spoons, large, old wooden

Stapler and staples

Storage crates, bushel size, plastic, stackable

Straws, drinking

Suitcases, old vintage looking

Sun shelters, pop-up for market

Tablecloths, plastic, all sizes

Tablecloths, rectangle, all sizes

Tea cups and matching saucers (not chipped)

Telephones, old black with handset

Tennis rackets

Thread, all kinds and colours


Toaster oven, small and working

Tool boxes, old wooden

Toys, small wooden or plastic

Track lighting fixtures, w. old style incandescent bulbs

Trellis, small garden

T-shirts, red or white

Turtlenecks, red or white

TV tray

Vases, glass or china, all sizes

Vases, skinny neck hour-glass bottom

Weaving materials

Wheelbarrow, metal or plastic

Wood drawers, old solid not ply, fiberboard or plastic.

Wreath forms

Yarn, thick and thin, all colours and types

Yoga mats

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