Saturday, March 15, 2025

Meaford Rotary Club Helps to Bring Clean Water to Communities in Need


rotaryWatertank270Six hundred and sixty-three million people, or one in ten people world-wide, lack access to safe water. One in three people lacks access to a toilet, and more than 80 percent of sewage in the developing world is discharged untreated directly into water bodies. More people have mobile phones than a toilet. Every 20 seconds a child dies due to poor sanitation.

Rotary International believes that clean water is a basic need for human beings. Meaford Rotary Club, along with Rotary International and the Hand up Committee of District 6330, have undertaken many projects to provide clean water and sanitation to communities and countries in need.

A recently completed project of these groups in Ntabah, Cameroon, sponsored by the Meaford Rotary Club, has brought clean potable water to 16,000 residents of this community. Twenty thousand litre storage tanks and 16 tap stands have been constructed. An additional important component of this project was the training of local community members on how to maintain this new infrastructure to make it sustainable. Meaford Rotary Club celebrates this very successful project.

World Water Day is March 22.

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