Friday, February 7, 2025

Jake Doherty Headlines Next Koffee House Reads


Jake Doherty Headlines Next Koffee House ReadsThe Meaford Public Library’s 4th annual Koffee House Reads continues March 19 at 3 pm with Jake Doherty at the Earth Harvest Café. This series features local authors in our downtown venues speaking about their books and writing process.

Jake Doherty, a former publisher of the Owen Sound Sun Times, came into crime writing after forty years in journalism. He will discuss his second book, Bearwalker Alibi, a sequel to The Rankin Files. Doherty meticulously researched both the Dresden area of Germany and Northern Ontario, particularly Manitoulin Island, for the setting of Bearwalker Alibi.

Readers are able to recognize many locations in this murder mystery that asks the question, can an Ojibwa myth be used as a defense in a murder trial?

The finale of Koffee House Reads this year will be Meaford’s W.P. (Paul) Osborn. His novel, The Remnants, chronicles the story of two young lovers enduring the agony and chaos of World War I. The Remnants, published by, is available in both digital and hard copy. Osborn will appear on Thursday, April 9 at 3 pm at The Kitchen.

The Meaford Public Library wants to introduce talented local writers to members of the community, so come out and enjoy one or all in this terrific Koffee House Reads series. Tickets are $10 per person and includes coffee/tea and a delicious dessert at each establishment. There are a limited number of tickets for each event, so drop by the library to get yours today. If you need more information, please call (519) 538-1060 ext. 1123 or email

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