Friday, March 14, 2025

Visitor to Meaford Wants Winter Access to Harbour

Letter to the Editor


I was in Meaford a couple of weeks ago and as I always do,  I drive by or walk to the Harbour.  I like to walk around, listen to the water enjoy  the scenery, and take pictures.  Imagine my disappointment when I discovered that I could not access my favourite spot as there was a five-foot plus snow bank in my way.

In the summer the area is well maintained, the park  (Moose Playground/Lions park) is bustling with families, the hot dog vendor is doing a brisk business and there are many many folks enjoying the scenery, sitting on the benches looking out at the water.

Shame on you Meaford for not clearing the parking lot

Shame on your Meaford for making people climb snowbanks to be able to enjoy the area

Shame on you Meaford for denying access to one of the towns truly beautiful spots

Shame on you Meaford for being not realizing this town is  just as beautiful if not more beautiful in the winter.

I felt sad for the family members who had to go back to their cars as they could not get up the snowbank with their young children. I felt sad I had to stop at the side of the road at the one spot I could see over the snow bank to take a picture.

Meaford can be a year round place…. The only thing stopping us from enjoying it is the town.

Cindy McDermid, Newmarket

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