Saturday, September 7, 2024

Healthcare Worker Influenza Immunization Rates Up


needleInfluenza immunization rates for healthcare workers across Grey Bruce are up for the 2014-2015 season. Immunization rates are reported to Public Health of December 15, 2014. Current rates may be higher as facilities continue to immunize staff and residents.

Local nursing homes rates averaged 74 per cent, up from 71 per cent in 2013-2014. Errinrung Nursing Home in Thornbury report 96 per cent of staff received influenza immunization. Both Country Lane in Chatsworth and Elgin Abbey in Chesley reported 93 per cent of staff immunized.

Local retirement homes averaged 74 per cent, up slightly from 73 per cent from last season. Choices Living Retirement Residence in Hanover, Hampton Court in Southampton and Kelso Villa Retirement Home in Owen Sound reported 100 per cent of their staff has received their influenza immunization. 

Nursing and retirement homes also reported resident immunization rates. Kelso Villa Retirement Home, Nine Mile Villa, Georgian Heights, Grey Gables, Meaford Long Term Care Centre, Parkview Manor and Trillium Court all achieved 100 per cent immunization for residents.

The vaccination rate for healthcare workers in local hospitals varied from 42 per cent to 100 per cent for an over-all average of 65 per cent, an increase from 61 per cent. Grey Bruce Health Services Lion’s Head achieved 100 per cent staff immunization.

A complete list of facilities and influenza vaccination rates for staff and residents (where applicable) Influenza Immunization Rates for Facilities (as of December 2014) is available on our website atYour Health / Infectious Diseases / Outbreaks

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