Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Winter’s Here, Drive Accordingly


dec 11 snow2Grey County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) has investigated 13 motor vehicle collisions between 5:30 a.m. on Monday, January 5th and 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, January 6th, 2015. 

Of those collisions, five were as a result of the driver losing control of the vehicle and going into the ditch.  Two collisions involved snow plow trucks; one on 60 Sideroad in the Township of Chatsworth and the other on the Grey-Bruce Line in the Township of Georgian Bluffs.  In both cases the vehicle struck the snow plow.  In all cases, there were no serious injuries reported.

Grey County OPP wish to remind motorists to adjust their driving habits to winter road and weather conditions.  This is especially crucial when driving in deteriorated road/weather conditions.

Allow extra time to travel to and from destinations during the winter months. 

Leave extra space between vehicles.

Use your full set of headlights every day during the winter months; daylight running lights are not as bright and do not engage your rear tail lights, making it difficult, and at times, impossible for drivers behind you to see your vehicle.

Stay alert, focus on the road and avoid sudden braking, accelerating or steering.

Never stop on the roadway.  If possible, park your vehicle well off the roadway and stay in it until help arrives.

The leading cause of collisions during the winter months is the result of poor driving, not poor driving conditions.

For more information about safe winter driving, go to:

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